Title 1
This was done using Gimp 2.2.
This title image is the result:
- Run the "Crystal" Logos Script-Fu, with Totem font (80 points) and gblue_cloud3.jpg as the background image. (I had to use this because the old perl-fu "Crystal" script is no longer around)
- Hide the background image.
- Because the Logos generation scripts take a string of text as
input, rather than an image, I needed to do extra stuff to get the
text onto two lines:
- Edit -> Copy Visible
- Edit -> Paste As New
- Image -> Canvas Size; double the height of the image.
- Layer to image size.
- Select the "Notes" part of the text. Edit -> Cut. Edit -> Paste. Create new Layer.
- Move the "notes" layer around until it's where you want it to be.
- Merge Down (or Merge Visible Layers)
- We now have an image with the lettering and a transparent background. Because JPEG files are better supported than PNG, I added a new layer, moved it below the words, and filled it with what I knew was the background colour on the destined web-page.
- Crop the image to a suitable size. (I used Autocrop)
- Image -> Flatten-Image and saved as a .jpg file.