Author at Starfox's Mansion
Apache (Sentinel)
Reviewed by Kathryn A on 7th October 2001 (2)
The author of this story admits that she got her ideas of Desert
Storm and the Air Force from movies, so it's understandable that there were
certain aspects of this (even though I'm just as ignorant) that I found
less than plausible (specifically, the fast promotion to a certain rank)
but it was interesting and almost believable in other respects.
What if Blair really had flown Apaches in Desert Storm? The plot device
by which this was revealed was really rather clever, I think, and I liked the
way everyone's phones went mad with people ringing up about it. But I
simply can't believe that Blair would really have such a fragile ego that
he would react that badly to the revelation -- even if he was
half-delirious with fever...